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The Nuttery Suets

Suet for Birds

Suet for birds is simply animal fat, usually beef or mutton, that can be mixed with grains and cereals to provide nutritious, balanced food for birds that they will absolutely love to eat. Most importantly, suet bird food is a high-energy food that you can give wild and garden birds all year round. These foods are available in a variety of forms such as pellets, bricks, logs or balls that you can place on bird tables, ground feeder trays and even hanging feeders.

Suet Balls | Suet Blocks | Suet Cakes | Suet Coconut | Suet Pellets | Suet Peanut Butter | Suet Logs

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  1. The Nuttery Oval Suet Block Cake/Fat Ball Feeder
    3 reviews
    • 4.3333333333333 out of 5
    • Miss L Clayton
    • Squirrels cant get in, birds getting used to it
    Fat Ball/Block Feeder
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